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Hassle-free contracts, for every job in every team

A smart way to manage contracts, for teams that are responsible for the operational health of the organization.
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What SpotDraft does for Business operations teams

non-legal teams to generate compliant contracts
all vendor contracts in a single centralized repository
contract renewals and save costs during renewals

For Finance and Procurement

For Finance and Procurement

SpotDraft Contract Management Software
SpotDraft Contract Management Software

For Human Resources

For Human Resources

SpotDraft Contract Management Software
SpotDraft Contract Management Software

Work seamlessly with your CRM

SpotDraft integrates with your existing sales processes and tools. Once the setup is done, it works in the background so you don’t have to train to use an entirely different tool or system.

What our customers say about us

Axelle -Consultant in Strategy of IDfy
SpotDraft provided the simplicity and flexibility we were looking for and the pricing is better compared to others. The first connection with the team felt more reassuring. They are extra, providing such a good support to clients.
Consultant in Strategy
Cory L. - VP, Legal & Data Privacy Officer of Bouy Health
I'm a big fan of SpotDraft! The SpotDraft platform and features are intuitive, making the contract process (mission-critical) more enjoyable. The UX is a delight. The SpotDraft team provides an excellent, collaborative service to support customers.
Cory L.
Buoy Health
VP, Legal & Data Privacy Officer
Xavier L. -Beamery General Counsel
Great product with an outstanding team! SpotDraft is a very agile company who is hungry to build a category leading product. As a customer that comes across very positively. The product has a huge potential.
Xavier L.
Chief Legal Officer and Chief Talent Officer
Ben Bowden - COO and General Counsel of Zai
The specific problem we were looking to Spotdraft to solve was to provide a single, secure and easily searchable repository of all our contracts. Spotdraft has solved that problem for us. But it has also brought significant additional benefits, particularly around the execution of template contracts.
Ben Bowden
COO and General Counsel