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As AI continues to make strides in business, the challenge for in-house legal counsel shifts from merely crafting AI use policies to actively educating and engaging employees in these policies. 

The big question is: How do you transform complex legal guidelines into clear, actionable practices that resonate across all levels of your organization? This is not just about dodging the hazards of bias or data breaches. It's about leading your organization towards a responsible, informed, and innovative use of AI. 

In this guide, we present a six-step roadmap to not only educate but also engage and empower your employees in the nuances of AI policy. Because mastering AI in the workplace isn't just about rule compliance; it's about fostering a culture where responsible AI use is a shared mission.

Why can't you afford to skip AI policies?

“Most organizations are realizing that they should have a policy in place for AI adoption, because, otherwise, there's a risk of customer data or confidential data being put into the public tooling.”

~ Ken Priore, ex-Director of Privacy, Atlassian
Mastering the Intersection of Law, Technology, and Privacy

AI is a helpful but potentially unpredictable assistant in your organization. It can boost productivity, enhance decision-making, and streamline operations. However, without the right guidelines, it can inadvertently steer your business into legal and ethical minefields.

Here are some risks of using AI without a policy:

#1 Bias and discrimination

AI systems trained on biased data can perpetuate and amplify biases in real-world applications, leading to unfair outcomes in areas like hiring, loan approvals, and criminal justice. 

Amazon underwent a similar situation. The company faced scrutiny when it came to light that their AI-based hiring system showed gender bias. 

The system was designed to review job applicants' resumes and select the most suitable candidates. 

However, it consistently downgraded female candidates' resumes, reflecting a gender bias in its recommendations. This raised concerns about fairness and equality in the hiring process, leading Amazon to discontinue the use of this AI system.

#2 Privacy and data security

AI systems often rely on large amounts of personal data, raising concerns about privacy breaches and misuse. Policies can set guidelines for data collection, storage, and security, protecting individuals' privacy rights.

#3 Job displacement and societal impact

Automation through AI could lead to significant job losses in certain sectors. Policies can help mitigate these impacts by reskilling and upskilling workers, promoting human-AI collaboration, and ensuring equitable distribution of AI benefits.

#4 Safety and security

Autonomous systems powered by AI can pose safety risks. Policies can establish standards for safety testing and deployment of such systems.

Trust is paramount in business. Customers, employees, and stakeholders need to have confidence that your organization uses AI responsibly. Establishing AI policies is a crucial step in building and maintaining this trust.

So, how can you create a robust AI use policy?

You don’t need to start from scratch! We have created a detailed AI use policy playbook with wisdom from top legal minds. 

It's more than just a guide; it's your defense against those hidden traps. With it, you'll be able to draft a policy that helps you:

  • Grasp the legal side of AI and LLMs.
  • Stay ahead, ensuring your company is both cutting-edge and on the right side of the law.
  • Clear the fog on data privacy, biases, and those tricky IP issues.
Download the AI Use Policy Playbook

And here’s how can tailor the policy to your organization:

  • Assess your needs

Look at how AI is used in your organization. Each company is different. If you're an e-commerce company, your AI needs might be different from a healthcare company. So, make rules that fit your specific situation.

  • Involve stakeholders

Talk to your team, customers, and others who are affected by AI. They might have ideas you haven't thought of. It's like making a recipe together; everyone's input matters.

Also read: How to Engage Stakeholders in AI Use Policy Development
  • Keep it simple

Don't make your policies complicated. Avoid using big words and tech talk. It's easier for everyone to follow simple rules.

Steps to educating your organization about the AI use policy

Creating the policy is only half the job. To enforce it, you need to educate your organization about its existence. Here’s how you can do it.

Step 1: Launch the AI use policy with impact

Start by hosting a launch event that stands out. Think beyond regular meetings. Introduce the AI policy with a notable speaker from the AI field and engaging presentations. Aim to make the AI policy a key topic in the office.

Step 2: Create an engaging AI policy handbook

Develop a handbook that's easy and interesting to read. Include real-life examples, interactive elements like quizzes, and even some light-hearted illustrations. This should be a guide that employees look forward to using.

Step 3: Interactive workshops and webinars

Organize a series of interactive workshops or webinars. These sessions should be engaging with activities like live polls and group discussions, focusing on practical application of the policy.

Step 4: Establish AI policy champions

Select and train a group of AI policy champions across various departments. Look for employees who show a keen interest in AI and its applications within your organization.

Consider those who are respected by their peers and have a knack for communicating complex ideas in simple terms.

Ensure your champions represent various departments and levels within the organization. This diversity will bring different perspectives and aid in wider policy acceptance.

Organize specialized training sessions for these champions. These sessions should cover the AI policy in detail, its implications, and best practices.

Step 5: Provide regular AI policy updates

Since AI and policies evolve, keep everyone informed with regular updates. Consider a monthly newsletter or a video series to maintain interest and inform about any changes or enhancements to the policy.

Step 6: Implement feedback mechanisms

Finally, set up a system for receiving feedback. This could be through anonymous surveys or a suggestion box. Make it clear that feedback is not only welcomed but also valued and used for improvement.

Also read: Crafting Effective Generative AI Policies: A Step-by-Step Guide

Enable responsible AI use

It's clear that the transition from policy creation to effective employee engagement is not just a necessary step, but a transformative one. Through the six steps outlined, your organization can move beyond mere compliance to a culture where AI is used responsibly and innovatively. 

However, the journey doesn’t end here. To further strengthen your AI policy framework, I highly recommend downloading SpotDraft’s AI Use Policy Playbook. This playbook, crafted with insights from top legal experts, serves as an invaluable resource. It delves deeper into the legalities of AI, helping you navigate complex issues like data privacy and bias. 

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