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Why choose SpotDraft over IronClad or DocuSign CLM?

When Ani Bhat, General Counsel at HealthEC, described SpotDraft as the Ironman Suit for the In-house counsel, he was referring to how the SpotDraft platform allows him to automate routine tasks - thereby allowing him to focus on higher leverage activities.
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I evaluated several different solutions but nothing came close to what SpotDraft offered. The platform is easy to use, and many of the features are incredibly thoughtful and unique to SpotDraft. We are able to standardize our risk and centralize our contract repository to one easy-to-find location.”
Ani Bhat | General Counsel at HealthEC

SpotDraft vs Ironclad vs DocuSign

SpotDraft allows companies to scale legal throughput without adding more headcount. Teams can configure custom workflows and collaborate internally to process contracts faster and more accurately.
IronClad, a once modern digital contracting platform, has now become prohibitively expensive and still does not offer native support for a vital part of the contracting flow - signing.
DocuSign CLM suffers from a nightmarishly long implementation cycle, poor support, and a clunky user experience, as reported by several customers.

Top reasons to choose SpotDraft over Ironclad and DocuSign CLM

Instant ROI
The IronClad team takes a minimum of two months to operationalize your first workflow. With DocuSign CLM, you will be working with an outside vendor for the implementation, often leading to unplanned costs and unpredictable timelines. With SpotDraft, you will get up and running in the first few weeks - a far more immediate ROI.

Deep Insights into your Contract Workflow

Unlike our competitors, SpotDraft provides deep insights into the contracting workflow via its flagship contract-specific analytics solution - SpotInsights. You will be able to answer questions like “How long was a contract with the counterparty vs. my team?”. These insights will improve the contracting process and make the entire business more efficient.
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Competitively Priced

SpotDraft is the frontrunner when it comes to value for money. We believe in enabling your entire business at a fraction of the cost that other competing solutions charge.

A team

Onboarding a modern CLM solution will streamline and operationalize the routine work - thereby allowing you to do more with less. With SpotDraft, our customer success team will help you drive adoption across your organization, thereby enabling you to focus on the highest leverage activities.
“Great product and great team! I’ve really enjoyed work with the Spotdraft team. We switched to SpotDraft as other CLM’s functionality were clunky and not intuitive.”
Leslie Ann L, Associate Counsel, Commercial, Buoy Health

Better adoption by integrating with your company’s Tech stack

Most CLM implementations by companies like IronClad and DocuSign CLM fail because the business stakeholders often do not adopt the new solution. SpotDraft solves this problem by integrating with your business teams’ tools, which, in turn, leads to faster adoption and greater efficiency across the entire organization.
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Industry-leading Customer Support across all Plans

Our competition, IronClad and DocuSign CLM, provides white-gloved customer support - but at a cost. We believe that exceptional customer support is critical to the success of any new software rollout - and we offer this at no cost. We set up shared chat channels (Slack, Teams, Whatsapp) with our customers to collaborate and solve their problems in near real-time.

Flexible Hosting across Geographies

SpotDraft is the ONLY modern contract management solution in the market that allows the customer to pick the region where they want their data hosted. With IronClad and DocuSign CLM, your data (by default) is hosted in the US, which may or may not meet the regulatory requirements where your company is based.

From demo to delivery in just 7 days

It’s pretty simple, just like our software. Sign up so you can see Spotdraft in action.

Feature Comparsion

Contract Templates
Templatizing high-volume contracts so that the business team can work independently of legal teams.
Conditional Language Generation
SpotDraft templates allow for more than just form-filling values into a template. With our proprietary templating language, you can use if/else conditions and even compute values to generate contracts that meet your requirements.
DocX Generation
Support for Tables + Images
Support for company’s brand guidelines
Self-serve Contract Templates
Contract Workflows
Defining contract specific workflows allows you to streamline the contracting and business process.
Configurable Workflows
Pre-configured Approvals
Adhoc Approvals
Counterparty Collaboration
Audit Trail
Bulk Send Contracts
Trigger contracts to a large set of counterparties in one-go. Think of it as a mail-merge for your contracts.
Contract Editor
Editor purpose built for reviewing contracts that is fully interoperable with MS Word.
100% Word Compatible Editor
Support for basic word formatting
Support for tables, images + more complex formatting
Scoped Comments
Definition Service
Error Service
Comparison on Demand
Automatically create new contract versions when edits are made or when approvals are collected.
Contract Review
Assigning contracts for legal review when needed.
In-browser Review
Contract review and redlining can happen on the browser itself.
Assign for Legal Review
Tracking Review Requests
Contract Execution
Collect signatures on a contract
In-built e-Signature Solution
Documents are cryptographically encrypted on execution and fully compliant across India, Europe, US, Singapore and Australia.
Integrations with popular e-Sign Solutions
Run custom queries to find the relevant contracts
Search by pre-defined metadata
Search by custom metadata
Search by contract language
Post-Execution Contract Management
Staying on top of the rights and obligations associated with executed contracts
Contract Specific Key Pointers
Key terms associated with the contract are available to allow for users to not have to go through the contract over and over again.
Renewal Reminders
User-defined Contract Notes
Automated Metadata Extraction
Historical Contract Import
Easily import contracts executed outside the platform.
Access Control
Specifying team level and user level access con a contract
User Level Access Control
Team Specific Access Control
Organization Entity Specific Access Control
Specify access to contracts based on the organization entity associated with the contract.
Analytics & Insights
Deep insights into the contracting workflow to help discover bottlenecks and showcase performance
Contract Workflow Analysis
Specify access to contracts based on the organization entity associated with the contract.
Team Performance Analysis
Insights on the number and types of contracts being processed by different members of the legal team.
Getting the product up-and-running in your organization
Time to first workflow
2 weeks
6 weeks
6 months
Free with SpotDraft license
Additional cost above license cost
Additional cost above license cost
Performed by
Internal Team
Internal Team
External vendor
Email Support
Phone + Chat + Video Support
Available at an
additional cost
Available at an
additional cost
Dedicated Customer Success Manager
Available for all SpotDraft Customers
Available at an
additional cost
Not available
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The Fastest Growing CLM for Growth Minded Customers
For growth-stage companies, improving contract review time by a day could make the business’ quarter. With SpotDraft, you have a partner who will provide you the necessary tools to streamline the contracting process at a very affordable price - because we know that spending USD 100K+ on one of our competitors is not justifiable early on.

Unlike DocuSign CLM and Conga, SpotDraft was designed from the start to help businesses of all sizes grow, from fast-growing startups to Fortune 500 giants.
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“SpotDraft streamlines our workflows so we can focus on true legal requests, not the repetitive general requests that can be resolved via standard fallbacks and appropriate approvals. Everything simply works, the team is open to feedback, and the team is constantly improving the product!”
Taylor Smith
Contract Manager
Xavier L. -Beamery General Counsel
Great product with an outstanding team! SpotDraft is a very agile company who is hungry to build a category leading product. As a customer that comes across very positively. The product has a huge potential.
Xavier L.
Chief Legal Officer and Chief Talent Officer
Axelle -Consultant in Strategy of IDfy
SpotDraft provided the simplicity and flexibility we were looking for and the pricing is better compared to others. The first connection with the team felt more reassuring. They are extra, providing such a good support to clients.
Consultant in Strategy
Cory L. - VP, Legal & Data Privacy Officer of Bouy Health
I'm a big fan of SpotDraft! The SpotDraft platform and features are intuitive, making the contract process (mission-critical) more enjoyable. The UX is a delight. The SpotDraft team provides an excellent, collaborative service to support customers.
Cory L.
VP, Legal & Data Privacy Officer
Buoy Health
David Levanon - Senior Director and Head of Revenue Operations of Chargee
The SpotDraft team has been more than amazing in helping us evaluate their platform and getting it ready for launch. Their product answers our needs and requirements and will grow with us as we continue to scale our organization.
David Levanon
Senior Director and Head of Revenue Operations
Ben Bowden - COO and General Counsel of Zai
The specific problem we were looking to Spotdraft to solve was to provide a single, secure and easily searchable repository of all our contracts. Spotdraft has solved that problem for us. But it has also brought significant additional benefits, particularly around the execution of template contracts.
Ben Bowden
COO and General Counsel