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SpotDraft Vault

The smartest contract repository software for ALL your contracts
Instant search & report generation
Track all kinds of custom metadata for a contract
Link related contracts & upload supporting documents
Role-based access controls to define who sees what
Activity log to collaborate with your team


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Cancel any time. No questions asked.

Why SpotDraft Vault?

"We’re increasingly coming across companies that are too early to require a full-fledged CLM solution like SpotDraft. But, most of them also have a large number of legacy contracts that they struggle to manage effectively. This is why we’ve come up with SpotDraft Vault – a lean version of SpotDraft purpose-built to solve this problem. It has just enough features and capabilities to help you store all contracts in one place, run reports on them within seconds, and collaborate with the rest of your team easily".

Time to value in 48 hours

Migrate your legacy to contracts to SpotDraft. Once you have access to the dashboard, you’ll be able to run reports and view key data from these contracts within seconds.
Subscribe Now for USD 299/mo

Key Features

Searchable Contract Data

Have your key contract metadata abstracted and be easily searchable across all your contracts.

Reminders and Notifications

Proactively receive reminders on key contract dates to ensure you are always on top of contract expirations and auto-renewals.

Related Contracts

Associate addendums and amendments with the parent agreement to better track your rights and obligations.

Collaborative by Design

Collaborate with your team directly via our contract activity log.

In-depth Reports in minutes

Generate contract related reports requested by various stakeholders in minutes instead of weeks.

We are an extension of your team

With SpotDraft Vault, you are not just getting access to a piece of software but also to an entire team who is committed to help you succeed and do more meaningful work.

A dedicated customer success manager will be assigned to your account with the sole goal of ensuring you and your team are onboarded properly and will serve as a strategic advisor to help drive efficiency in your business.

We pride ourselves on our industry leading support and being true partners to our customers.
“SpotDraft streamlines our workflows so we can focus on true legal requests, not the repetitive general requests that can be resolved via standard fallbacks and appropriate approvals. Everything simply works, the team is open to feedback, and the team is constantly improving the product!”
Taylor Smith
Contract Manager
Xavier L. -Beamery General Counsel
Great product with an outstanding team! SpotDraft is a very agile company who is hungry to build a category leading product. As a customer that comes across very positively. The product has a huge potential.
Xavier L.
Chief Legal Officer and Chief Talent Officer
Axelle -Consultant in Strategy of IDfy
SpotDraft provided the simplicity and flexibility we were looking for and the pricing is better compared to others. The first connection with the team felt more reassuring. They are extra, providing such a good support to clients.
Consultant in Strategy
Cory L. - VP, Legal & Data Privacy Officer of Bouy Health
I'm a big fan of SpotDraft! The SpotDraft platform and features are intuitive, making the contract process (mission-critical) more enjoyable. The UX is a delight. The SpotDraft team provides an excellent, collaborative service to support customers.
Cory L.
VP, Legal & Data Privacy Officer
Buoy Health
David Levanon - Senior Director and Head of Revenue Operations of Chargee
The SpotDraft team has been more than amazing in helping us evaluate their platform and getting it ready for launch. Their product answers our needs and requirements and will grow with us as we continue to scale our organization.
David Levanon
Senior Director and Head of Revenue Operations
Ben Bowden - COO and General Counsel of Zai
The specific problem we were looking to Spotdraft to solve was to provide a single, secure and easily searchable repository of all our contracts. Spotdraft has solved that problem for us. But it has also brought significant additional benefits, particularly around the execution of template contracts.
Ben Bowden
COO and General Counsel

#1 CLM for fast-growing companies


How is SpotDraft Vault different from the SpotDraft product that I saw the demo for earlier?
If I subscribe to SpotDraft Vault, can I upgrade to the main version of SpotDraft later?
How long would it take to get my legacy contracts onto the platform?
Is there any lock-in? Can I cancel my subscription if I don’t like the platform?
Will I lose access to my data if I cancel my subscription?
Who can I reach out to if I have questions while using the platform?