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Business contract agreements come in different forms and varying degrees of complexity, requiring a delicate balance between legal precision and clear communication. But in the face of constantly evolving regulations, time constraints, and shifting business dynamics, the burden of consistently writing effective business contracts can sometimes be overwhelming for legal professionals.

This becomes even more apparent when you consider the ramifications of writing contracts without properly capturing the interests and obligations of all parties while maintaining compliance with existing regulations. You risk landing your organization in contractual disputes, breaches, non-compliance, and financial losses.

In this guide, we delve into the concept of business contract agreements, exploring pro tips and strategies for consistently writing safe and effective contracts for your organization. We’ll also provide a free template you can utilize to expedite the drafting process and get more productive.

What are business contract agreements?

Business contract agreements are legally binding documents containing details of the rights and obligations of two or more parties building a business relationship.

These contracts typically contain details like the nature of the business engagement, the expected deliverables, the timelines for each deliverable, penalties for violations, dispute resolution mechanisms, and more.

Contracts are designed to provide legal protection and clarity, minimizing the risks of misunderstandings and potential disputes that may arise in the course of a business relationship.

Furthermore, the terms outlined in business contract agreements are enforceable in courts as long as they’re written in accordance with relevant industry and jurisdictional regulations.

Types of business contract agreements

At the granular level, the different types of business contract agreements are just too many. However, they can be broadly categorized into three groups:

  • Sales contracts
  • Vendor/supplier contracts
  • Employment contracts
Types of business contract agreements

#1 Sales contracts

A sales contract outlines the terms and conditions for the sale of goods or services. They describe the nature of the goods or services in question, the payment terms, and the method of delivery, among other things. Common types of sales contracts include purchase agreements, bills of sale, installment sales contracts, etc.

Also read: 7 Types of Sales Contracts and Best Practices for Executing Them

#2 Vendor contract

A vendor agreement, also called a supplier agreement or procurement contract, is a form of business contract agreement between a business and its vendors.

In this case, a vendor could be supplying raw materials, finished goods, or various services essential for the operations of the business. Examples include distribution agreements, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) agreements, maintenance and support contracts, and outsourcing agreements, among others.

Also read: Decoding Vendor Agreements: Everything You Need to Know [+Free Template]

#3 Employment contracts

Employment contracts exist between employees and the organizations they work for. These contracts regulate different aspects of the relationship between the employees and their employers, from work hours and responsibilities to compensation and benefits. Examples include non-compete agreements, part-time employment agreements, non-disclosure agreements, etc.

Also read: Mastering HR Contract Management: The Key Lies in CLM Software

Key elements of a business contract agreement

The specific details included in a business contract agreement can vary depending on the involved stakeholders, the nature of the business relationship, and the overarching industry and jurisdictional regulations. 

But at its core, a business contract agreement must contain certain elements to remain compliant, enforceable, and mutually beneficial. Some of these critical elements are:

  • Offer and acceptance: This outlines the exact offer made by one party and emphasizes the acceptance of said offer by the other party
  • Parties’ information: This includes the legal names and addresses of all parties involved, ensuring that every relevant stakeholder is accurately identified
  • Purpose and scope: This defines the purpose and scope of the contract, outlining what products, services, or obligations are being provided by each party
  • Terms and conditions: This defines the terms and conditions of the agreement, covering areas like individual responsibilities, timelines, delivery requirements, and any other relevant specifics
  • Payment terms: This outlines the payment details, including the amount, frequency, method, and any penalties for late payments or non-payment
  • Termination and cancellation clause: This specifies the conditions under which either party can terminate the contract, as well as any penalties or consequences for early termination
  • Dispute resolution clause: This defines how disputes will be resolved between both parties, whether through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation
  • Governing law: This indicates which jurisdiction's laws will govern the contract. It is particularly important if the parties are located in different regions
  • Amendment details: This outlines the process for making changes to the contract and ensures that any modifications are in writing and agreed upon by all parties
  • Severability clause: This specifies that if one part of the contract is deemed unenforceable, the rest remains valid
  • Confidentiality clauses: These clauses include non-disclosure agreements and intellectual property provisions, incorporated to protect crucial business information throughout the engagement

How to write an effective business contract agreement

A business contract agreement can shape the entire dynamic of your transactional relationship with a business partner. Thus, writing it with great care is crucial, as any missteps could birth loopholes that might prove detrimental to your organization.

To ensure that your business contract agreements consistently fulfill their objectives, ensure you put the following steps into consideration:

How to write an effective business contract agreement

#1 Incorporate details about relevant stakeholders

Accurately identifying the relevant stakeholders is crucial because it ensures that the contract is legally enforceable and helps prevent potential confusion or disputes regarding who is obligated to execute the terms of the agreement.

Ensure you cover the following:

  • Full names and legal entities: If the parties are individuals, include their full names. If the parties are companies or organizations, use their official legal names as registered with the appropriate authorities. For example: "Party A: ABC Corporation" and "Party B: XYZ Enterprises"
  • Addresses: Include the physical addresses of the parties. This helps establish their location and jurisdiction, which can be important for legal purposes
  • Contact information: It's also a good practice to include contact details like emails and phone numbers for key individuals who will be responsible for communication related to the contract
  • Roles and titles: If applicable, you can also specify the roles or titles of the individuals signing on behalf of the parties (e.g., "John Smith, CEO of Party A" and "Jane Doe, Legal Counsel of Party B")

#2 Define the purpose of the contract

You must include a section that clearly defines why both parties are entering the business contract agreement. This description should be specific, concise, and easy to understand. This is important because it sets the foundation for the entire agreement and helps all parties understand their roles and responsibilities.

Describe the nature of the goods or services, duration, milestones, and any applicable exclusions.

#3 Include key terms and conditions

Including crucial terms and conditions in your contract helps ensure that all parties understand their responsibilities, rights, and obligations. The terms should be written in unambiguous language, and any technical terms should be defined to prevent misunderstandings.

Here are some essential aspects to consider including:

  • Payment terms: Clearly specify how payments will be made, including the amount, currency, method of payment (e.g., bank transfer, credit card), and any applicable due dates. You can also outline the consequences of late payments, such as penalties or interest charges
  • Delivery or performance schedule: If the contract involves the supply of goods or the completion of services over a certain period, outline the schedule and deadlines for each phase or milestone
  • Quality standards: Specify the quality standards the goods or services must meet. This could include any required certifications, specifications, or performance criteria
  • Warranties and guarantees: If either party provides any warranties or guarantees, clearly outline the terms and conditions of these commitments
  • Liabilities and indemnification: Clarify the extent to which each party will be liable for any damages, losses, or liabilities arising from the contract. Include provisions for indemnification, which outlines the process for one party compensating the other for losses caused by a breach of contract
  • Insurance requirements: If relevant, specify any insurance coverage that one or both parties need to maintain during the contract period
  • Intellectual property: Address the ownership and usage rights of any intellectual property, such as patents, copyrights, or trademarks, that may be involved in the agreement
  • Notices: Outline how official communications and information will be delivered between the parties
  • Dispute resolution: Describe how disputes will be resolved if they arise. This could involve mediation, arbitration, or specific jurisdiction for legal actions

#4 Outline the responsibilities of all parties

Here, you'll need to clearly state the specific roles, tasks, and obligations each party must fulfill. Include timelines, modes of communication, collaboration plans, quality control measures, and any plans for outsourcing or subcontracting.

You should also outline KPIs for quantifying performances as well as timelines for the delivery of reports and other relevant documentation.

#5 Review and edit

After drafting your business contract agreement, ensure you run it through a thorough review and editing process. The goal is to make sure that the contract accurately reflects the intentions of both parties and that it is clear, concise, and free from errors.

Look out for spelling accuracy, language clarity, consistency of terms, legal accuracy, and readability, among others.

Also read: The Perfect Contract Review Checklist for Commercial Contracts

#6 Provide enough space for signatures and dates

You should make ample space for signatures and dates at the very end of the contract, following all the terms and conditions. This makes it easy for both parties to locate and sign.

Ensure that enough white spaces surround the signature and date lines so they don't look crowded when parties insert the signatures and titles.

Also, to avoid confusion, label each signature line with the name of the party signing. For example, "Party A's Signature" and "Party B's Signature."

Different jurisdictions might have specific requirements for contract signatures and dates. Ensure you’re aware of these standards and conventions and adhere to them.

Before you go…

Business contract agreements can be quite complex sometimes, requiring in-depth knowledge and awareness of your industry’s ever-evolving legal landscape and best practices.

In this guide, we explored the various components of a business contract agreement along with steps you should follow to effectively draft one for your organization.

That said, do you know that you can generate robust contracts for all your business agreements in minutes, regardless of their size and complexity? This is possible, thanks to SpotDraft—the industry’s leading Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) platform.

“I have seen a demo of SpotDraft’s CLM technology and they should be on your short list of vendors to talk to about a contract management system.  In particular, I like their new templates feature and how they can help you create contract playbooks.”

Sterling Miller, CEO and Senior Counsel for Hilgers Graben PLLC
Ten Things: “Cool Tech” For In-House Counsel (2022 Edition)

SpotDraft offers everything you need to streamline every aspect of your contracting process, from drafting and negotiation to execution and tracking. It comes with a robust template system that allows you to quickly generate comprehensive contracts with crucial legal guardrails in minutes.

In addition to its robust template builder, SpotDraft offers a collaborative environment to help contracting parties draft contacts, handle negotiations, track modifications, and safely execute contracts in one place.

It is impossible to describe all the various ways SpotDraft can help you revolutionize your contracting processes in one section. But if you'd like a close-up view of what you stand to gain, click here to request a personalized demo from our team.

Free business contract agreement template

“The absence of contract templates leads to non-standardization and makes contracts prone to errors. The legal team, therefore, is required to delve deep into contracts and proofread all clauses with a fine-tooth comb to identify and rectify the simplest of human errors.”

Igor Poroger, Director of Legal, EMEA, Vectra AI
How CLMs Empower Legal Teams in B2B SaaS Companies

Because business contract agreements come in a vast variety of formats, it is impossible to create a one-size-fits-all template that safely caters to every single business contract you'll ever need to make.

Instead, the template we have created for you contains the crucial elements commonly found across all business contract agreements. 

All you need to do is add specific details relevant to your business and tailor it to your unique needs. This significantly cuts down your workload and helps you draft a fully-fledged contract faster.

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