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At SpotDraft, we're committed to making our platform as intuitive and user-friendly as possible. To this end, we're introducing two key updates that better align with industry standards and address valuable user feedback.

We're changing the term "Key Pointers" to "Contract Metadata" and updating the contract status from "Awaiting Signature" to "Signing." Here is why:

From "Key Pointers" to "Contract Metadata"

Historically, we've always referred to key information about your contracts, such as signing dates, deal values and parties as "Key Pointers".

Our ongoing dialogue with our customers has revealed that "Contract Metadata" is a more precise and easily understood term. This change reflects not only a shift in nomenclature but also our commitment to industry best practices.

Product Areas Impacted by the Change:

  • Metadata Settings Page
  • Contract Summary Page
  • Filters
  • Contract Report
  • Help Center Articles
  • Quick Acces [Command + K]

From "Awaiting Signature" to "Signing"

The current "Awaiting Signature" contract status can be misleading because it appears even if a contract hasn't actually been sent out for signatures. This has understandably led to some confusion. To address this, we are shifting to a new status term: “Signing.” This term will cover two specific stages:

  1. The contract is ready for signatures: It's prepped and waiting to be sent out.
  2. The contract is pending on signatories to sign: It's out in the world, and we're waiting on those crucial signatures.

Where You'll See the Update:

  • Contract Status Card including Salesforce & HubSpot integrations
  • Filters
  • Insights
  • Workflow Manager
  • Contract Emails
  • Contract Reports
  • Help Center Articles
  • Quick Access [Command+K]

Why These Changes Matter

These updates are part of our broader initiative to ensure SpotDraft remains easy to use. By adopting terms that resonate more clearly across the industry and refining how contract statuses are communicated, we aim to enhance your experience and your contract management processes.

We appreciate your adaptability as we roll out these changes and are here to assist with any questions or feedback. Please feel free to reach out to with any feedback you have.

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