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We're back with another set of product highlights for May.

Repository Upgrades

Contract Packets 

Contract Packets enable users to group related contracts into logical packets, making it easier to view them together.

This allows users to view related contracts together, providing clarity on which contracts are associated with the same deal. Read more: Help Doc & FAQs

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✨ AI Magic - Contract Review Playbooks ✨

We all know the pain of documenting your contract review playbook. 

That's why we decided to make it much easier (and more fun) for you.

SpotDraft VerifAI users can now create contract review playbooks, in 1 click.

All you need is your standard template in a word document. VerifAI does the rest, by automatically creating rules and guidelines based on your standard position.  

From there, reviewing contracts is as easy as 1 more click. Check it out for yourselves! 

See this in action:

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Workflow Manager Improvements

Conditional dropdown options

Introducing an easier way to configure dropdown questions to show options based on conditional logic.

You can now group options together and associate them with conditions. Additionally, you now only need to manage a single variable for each conditional question across your template documents, approvals and contract metadata.

Read More: Help Doc 

Improvements to Approvals

Editing approvers at contract-level

Previously, users with editor or creator access to a contract could edit the approvers at the contract level. To make approvals more secure, we have changed this access. Now, only users with access to 'Manage Workflows & Contract Types' can edit approvers.

Learn more about this change.


Signer ID on signature block

Each signature field now displays a unique Signer ID linked to the individual who signs the contract, ensuring reliable traceability to the original signatory. Know more 

Expiration of counterparty contract links

SpotDraft now lets you control the lifespan of counterparty signing and review links. Previously, links were accessible indefinitely, but now users are able to set expiration durations. Learn how

Important updates to our terminology

We have updated a few key terms across our platform:

These updates are made to better align with the terminology used industry-wide. There will not be any change in functionality.
Learn more at  Updating our terminology

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