In this episode
Introduction: 0:00
- Matt Veale, European patent attorney and UPC at PatSnap, joins the podcast.
- Introducing PatSnap, which helps IP and R&D teams collaborate.
- Building a career in patent law.
What inspired Matt to be a lawyer: 1:48
- On studying computer science.
- Combining a passion for tech with a passion for the law.
- Working as a computer consultant before law school.
- Having a practical understanding of how tech works
What does intellectual property law mean?: 3:40
- Matt on IP as the most important thing in the world.
- Includes trade secrets, know-how, and data processing.
Starting your legal career at the UK Intellectual Property Office: 5:11
- On receiving great legal training as an examiner.
- The difference between US and UK patent offices.
- Enabling the future through IP.
Tips for people filing their first patent: 6:42
- Matt on how to convince examiners to approve your patent.
- Emphasizing communication.
- Differences between international jurisdictions.
Interesting patent applications Matt has seen: 8:47
- Matt on the first patent he approved.
Tips for GCs who inherit corporate patents: 9:39
- Matt on developing a data-driven patent strategy.
- Incentivizing employees for sharing innovations.
- Issues with owning your own patent.
Looking for outside patent counsel: 11:55
- On the limitations of the GC role.
- The shrinking external counsel field.
Patent analytics at PatSnap: 13:44
- On the importance of good data.
- Bridging the gap between IP lawyers and R&D.
- Innovating on the way claims are written.
The future of IP law: 16:38
- Matt on IP lawyers working in other fields.
- The effects of AI on IP law.
- Understanding how each AI tool works.
- Using AI to automate diligence and draft text.
AI as a tool for patent lawyers: 20:55
- On using AI for low-risk work.
- Weighing liability.
- Patent examiners using AI.
- Whether patent jobs are safe in the future.
Contacting Matt: 25:23
- Reach out to Matt on LinkedIn here.
Rapid-fire questions: 25:37
- Matt’s favorite part of the day-to-day.
- Professional pet peeves.
Book recommendations: 26:46
- The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday.
What Matt wishes he knew as a young lawyer: 27:17
- Matt on moving forward.
- Relying on friends and family.